Жулидов С.Б. American Law: Учебное пособие. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2005. - 255 с.
Методическая записка
Chapter I. Common Law
Unit 1. Definition
Unit 2. Origins
Unit 3. Federal Common Law
Unit 4. Adoption of Common Law in the States
Unit 5. Adoption or Modification by the Courts
Unit 6. Change or Abrogation by Statute or Constitution
Chapter II. Labor Law
Unit 1. Definition
Unit 2. Nature of Employer-Employee Relationship
Unit 3. Interference with Employment
Chapter III. Criminal Law
Unit 1. Definition and Elements of a Crime
Unit 2. Particular Offenses (Part 1)
Unit 3. Particular Offenses (Part 2)
Unit 4. Particular Offenses (Part 3)
Unit 5. Homicide
Chapter IV. On-Line Law
Unit 1. The Data Privacy Issue and TDFs
Unit 2. Data Privacy Protection
Unit 3. Legal vs. Real Persons
Unit 4. Living in the Global Goldfish Bowl
Literature Used